How To Pay With Mastercard When Buying Domain

People Sometimes Find It Difiicult to pay with their mastercard when buying domains online.
I will give the full tutorial that will guide you through easily and faster.
Make Sure Your Mastercard is Validated and also Can buy internationally because as for now many banks blocked their naira mastercards from buying international.
Make Sure you have cash in your account…. Dont use your last money to claim you have cash oooh!
Now All You Have To do is to choose good source to buy dot com domain; either Godaddy,1and1,Freenom,Domainking etc.
I will be using freenom and godaddy to teach you today.


First of all register at Godaddy or Freenom If you havent registered but if you have registered, no need just login your account.
Now After Login, Click on Domain Management and click on search Domain. Enter the name you want, then hit search.
If The name is valid & available, you will see it with marked green the click on select and then click on Check Out.

Once the next screen loads select what you want like email,year of validity,privacy restriction.[br] Note: Some Are Paid, so be careful on what you select not to incure unnecessary charges.

Now click on continue button, Another screen will pop out with everything about the domain in Godaddy but if its in Freenom just accept T&C’s and hit continue.

Note: You can use Coupon code in Godaddy in this stage like CJC99COM to buy dot com @ cheapest rate for 1year.

Now Hit Check Out And Select Payment Method Either Paypal,Bank,Mastercard etc. And then click Pay Now.Select Mastercard because we are using mastercard method[br] Now Enter your Mastercard Details Correctly with CVV or CVV3 Pin code
CVV Means Card Verification Value which is either 4 or three in number at the back of your mastercard on white background.

Now Hit On Continue Checkout Button or Pay Now Button, If its correctly filled or valid, you will get a success pop up message telling you that you successfully Pay for the domain which will be equally sent to your email account.

NOTE: If you see a message telling you to verify whether you are the true owner of the card by ID Card or ATM. Simply Follow their onscreen instructions and verify it because if you havent what happened in 2015 will happened to you which is they blocked and suspended my domain because i didnt verify on time (Lols…*Winks*).
Its very simple to verify, if you need to send them your national id card, then scan your id card with your mastercard front and back then send it to them… If u dont have ID Card and need to use ATM is upto you, just Follow the instructions. THANKS

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