Tipping to say “Thank You”

Have you ever found yourself in a situation having to choose whether you should genuinely give a tip or not.

Does tipping come naturally to you or do you find it an unnecessary indulgence or obligation?

Globally, tipping is seen to be a legal term for showing appreciation for the service of another person. To a large extent it is regulated in some countries.

It is also an expectation calculated as a percentage of cost.

Frankly speaking, if indeed you feel that you were quite impressed by certain services you received, then quite naturally you may feel inclined to reward that person in your own little way. I guess it is your way of saying thank you.

Most times you may tip that person who is not normally receiving a fee for the service they have rendered.

Tipping has no limitation as to where and when but your discretion is highly required.

From a hotel facility, to the hairdressers, restaurant, the movies you name it, as and when required. For your tip to remain a tip it does not need to be given in secret unless another motive is brewing. With comfort and ease it should be given at your will, the amount also should be determined by you; that is why you are saying “thank you”.

Unfortunately some people believe that receiving a tip is a must, almost indicating that it is compulsory as they exhibit this though their body language.

Some will even assume that a tip is given a right and will make all moves to attempt to lure you into giving.

I once went to the open market to buy a few things many of which were quite large Items.

I eventually needed the services of someone who would assist me carry my item to the car. “ALABARU” as they call them.

At this point there is no fixed fee so I guess it was at my discretion to tip her for her service to say thank you.

At the time I thought my tip was quite generous, but to my surprise she took one look at my car and said that what I gave her was not enough; she wanted more.

Now should she have asked me for more? Did she have that civil right to ask for an increase in her tip? When does that tip move from tip to bribe? I would say depending on who, where and when your tip can range from #200 to #1000, Your generosity may go higher but you must be careful not to send the wrong message It is only a correct gesture when you feel out of respect, consideration and kindness that you have an obligation to do without force but as a choice.

It becomes a different motive when you are asked for it before the service is rendered. Even receiving the service or immediately after.

If it is a part of a job description then tipping is simply a choice you may optimize or not. It should not influence a decision to be made.

Everyday reasons where you can tip to say thank you:

Out & About: Hotel house – keeping, Room Service, Porter, Taxi driver, Food delivery, Valet parking, Trolley Attendant, Restaurant Waiter, Hair Stylist, Spa Attendant, Artisans and other public places.

Strategies for successful “Tipping”

1. Use your best judgment in assessing anybody before you allow them render a service or assistance.
2. Be strictly official in you dealings; avoid any form of familiarity
3.Tip what you can afford, don’t exceed your comfort boundary
4. Watch your frequency, if the service is a regular occurrence you may need to change your strategy.
5. Have first right of refusal if it becomes a demand and you are uncomfortable.
6. Always end your tip with a verbal appreciation
7. Maintain your attitude of gratitude.

Good luck as always!!

Copied: Vanguardngr.Com

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