Busty Romangoddess impostor surfaces on Facebook

Romangoddess may have no solid claim to fame but in the last one year the lady with humongous boobs and immense shapely backside made popular by Instagram has attained something of a star status.

 And she catapulted into bigger fame when she met one of her mentors, Cossy Orjiakor, both of whom made a big buzz with their boobs tango. 

Star or not, some are beginning to see her as a brand big enough  to employ in duping people.

With her shapely figure, oozing of sprawling boobs and flourishing butts, her pictures, are being used as a bait to lure wanton men and dispossess them of their hard-earned money. 

Though Romangoddess herself has said she’s not on Facebook or any other platform, Instagram but this, seems not to have deterred her impostors who now brazenly display her pictures with pseudo names. Potpourri itself had an encounter with a lady who calls herself Blessing Umunna, displaying Romangoddess’ pictures as her own.

After sending a friend request to Potpourri, the lady proceeded to unveil her trade. 


Here is the chat that ensued between Potpourri and the lady:

Lady: Good morning. Merry Xmas, hope you are fine?

Potpourri: Fine, hope you are enjoying the holiday. Are you based in Lagos?

Lady: No, Portharcourt. I want to come to Lagos  for the weekend but I am thinking if I should come or not because I don’t have much fare to come.

This was the first conversation between Potpourri and the Impostor that gave a hint she could only be an impostor. After days of not replying to her bait, she laid off for a while and returned after New Year to try her hand agagai

Lady: Happy New Year, how are you doing? P

Potpourri: I am Ok

Lady: Ok Baby, send me airtime na, please, MTN or Airtel.

Potpourri: I thought you are more sophisticated than this. It’s unladylike to beg from a man you haven’t met. Since then, she has disappeared from the radar. End of story.

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