Yahoo Mail for Android now Support Outlook and AOL Accounts

Yahoo may not be the best when it comes to security, but still, there are quite a number of people who still uses Yahoo for their business. Yahoo bringing the support to add Outlook and AOL account to its app, just like the existing Gmail is a welcome development for the users of Yahoo.


If you recall, Verizon put forward interest in acquiring Yahoo last year for $4.83 billion. Those arrangements to buy Yahoo are still on, even though the two massive hacks last year may have come close to derailing those plans, ultimately resulting in a price-cut (fun fact, at one billion active users, and a price-cut of $350 million, user security was apparently valued at 35 cents a head). Hopefully under Verizon the company might be able to step things up when it comes to security.


Whether the continued use of Yahoo Mail by consumers is a result of blissful ignorance or a lack of concern remains unknown, but perhaps the inclusion of AOL mail in the update provides some illumination. Either way, if I can I’d like to encourage any users of the service interested in their privacy or security to consider any of its more secure competitors.


You can download / update your Yahoo app on Google Playstore Here.

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